IEC starts cooperation with NTU „Dnipro Polytechnic”

The provide research university of Ukraine has become a scientific partner of the IEC in the field of energy. The cooperation agreement was signed on 13 May 2019.

National Technical University „Dnipro Polytechnic” is a the provide research centre of Ukraine, which conducts fundamental and applied studies on actual scientific and technical directions, implements innovational projects on the manufacture.

The University works on execution of the national, interstate, interdisciplinary and regional programs, aimed to solving problems of the development of fuel and energy complex, mineral base, engineering industry, environmental protection, improving mine safety. Priority research areas are also information technologies for complex signals, artificial intelligence, information safety, telecommunications, mathematic modeling and methods of optimization.

Conducting of the scientific research usually accompanied by solving tasks with high computational complexity. That is why in the National TU „Dnipro Polytechnic” GRID-technologies are set up. They can distribute the computation between computer clusters in different parts of the country and world and allow scientists of the university to work on one level with scientists from highly developed countries.