The Government of Lithuania and the International Energy Cluster took part in the International Exhibition REBUILD UKRAINE

REBUILD UKRAINE – International exhibition-conference, which takes place in Warsaw on February 15-16, 2023. Rebuild Ukraine is designed to be the most cost-effective and time-efficient platform for recovery projects, materials, technologies, equipment and investment required to rebuild Ukraine’s war-torn economy, with an emphasis on infrastructure, industry and housing in order to receive external funding for the restoration of Ukraine.

At the Intergovernmental Press briefing of representatives of Ukrainian and EU authorities, representatives of the relevant ministries of Ukraine and the European Union presented their vision of the mechanisms for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Lithuania was represented by Vincas Jurgutis, Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania.

The scale of destruction in Ukraine is so significant that only with the active participation of partner countries will it be possible to cope with the challenge of rebuilding the country. The press briefing has become a window of opportunity for many sectors of the economy of Ukraine and other countries of the world. The renovation of Ukraine will be the most difficult reconstruction project since the Second World War

At the NATIONAL STAND „UKRAINE AND ITS TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES” visitors of the event were able to communicate in a dialogue format with leaders of Ukrainian communities, as well as establish direct agreements with the maximum number of targeted contacts without intermediaries.

Representatives of the Ukrainian and European construction industry, representatives of state authorities of Ukraine and the EU countries exchanged their ideas and opportunities at the RECOVERY CONSTRUCTION FORUM.

Within the framework of the exhibition, the INVESTMENT CONFERENCE „Rebirth of Nation. Municipalities of Ukraine. Opportunities for investors and partners.” was held, which allowed the participants to get acquainted with the list of the most promising investment projects in Ukraine. Industrial parks were presented as the main investment trend of contemporary Ukraine.

The key component of the exhibition was the NATIONAL PAVILION „UKRAINE AND ITS COMMUNITIES”, where 25 Ukrainian cities and towns presented their vision of priority reconstruction projects and further development of their communities by means of investments attraction.

Visiting BUILDING SOLUTIONS EXHIBITION made it possible to get acquainted with the most modern technologies and solutions offered by the global market.
